Introducing Shopperstream

Surveys for your e-commerce store that capture insights on your customers journey

Run targeted surveys right in your product to quickly capture shopper real-time feedback at scale—ShopperStream AI will instantly analyze and group responses into themes to uncover patterns in your users' feedback.

an NPS survey
Use Cases

Continuously optimize your product & website

Identify a few critical shopper journeys across your product or website to focus on. Then, determine which shoppers you’re most interested in hearing from, based on their characteristics and actions they take in your product.
a series of feedback survey templates
Customer abandonment flow
Let's solve some of your most Pressing Problems

It’s clear, a shoppers voice can lead huge insights into your business practices, how likely a customer is to return, what they think of key moments in your end-to-end experience.

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Reduce Customer Churn
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Create Better Product Information
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Fix leaky bucket and winback
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Increase NPS and Loyalty
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Find out what's working on Product Launches
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Improve your Order Journey

Identify areas of opportunity with these expert-made templates

or create your own customer micro feedback templates
Uncover key shopper journey points for satisfaction
Uncover how satisfied customers were with on-site experience
Dive into shopper personas more and see who is buying

Templates designed specifically for e-commerce stores.

Research templates geared towards e-commerce shopping let you get started in minutes
loyalty and feedabck tempaltes

Customer Loyalty

Templates built for why customers come back.
order journey templates

Cart Abandonment

Find out what causes your customers to leave
order journey templates

Onboarding Shoppers

Webex integrates seamlessly into 100+industry-leading apps.
improve website experience surveys

Improve Product

Find out what makes your products work with people and deploy heavy duty product research snippets
Improve pricing templates

Improve Pricing Perception

Find out what detracts and motivates shoppers to buy based on pricing
View all the templates
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Fuel growth and mitigate detractors with Net Promotor Score templates (NPS).

NPS surveys help you quantify customer loyalty while also providing qualitative feedback to help you improve your customer experience.
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Customers are asked a standardized question: “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend?”
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Customers are placed into groups depending on their response: detractors, passives, promoters.
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NPS is relied upon by top brands: Apple, Four Seasons, Disney, Zappos, Jet Blue, and many more.
NPS long form image and survey

Our simple to use widget provides a whole host of functionality right out of the box

Or dive deep with API integrations for complete customization
Learning from your customers takes time, energy, especially with your fast moving store. With our survey solution, use micro-surveys to drive up to 30% greater response rates than traditional long form surveys.
microsurvey flow for on-site widgets
Customer abandonment flow
Muti-step deep dive surveys or singular page long form feedback
feedback flows and sharing modules
Completely build your own unique questions and logic and easily deploy them.

30% of shoppers that did not purchase have completed a cart abandonment survey for Health Products for You

By integrating surveys to pop-up directly on their cart abandonment emails - the team at HPFY have been able to survey hundreds of shoppers in a short amount of time to understand why they abandon.
Building and launching surveys in minutes

Custom Survey Builder & Reporting

Our Analysis and Reporting tools provide you with accessible, actionable data that helps you collect, analyze and respond to customer feedback. Empowering you to make more favorable impressions, improve shopper experiences, and accelerate growth.

Get surveys our the way you want to

Where there's a will, there's a way! We make it easy to collect information how you need.
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Onsite Survey pop-up icons
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Email, on-site feedback buttons and more

Snapshot problem areas in the customer journey

Customers can flag and snapshot issues on your site, annotate and give you direct line feedback on the problem areas or friction within the customer journey. Go ahead and preview this with the feedback button on the right.

We're easy to work with. Let's get collecting in 5 mins

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14 day free trial
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