Sentiment Analytics - Your Data Analytics Team all-in-one

Imagine ONE data set that contains Customer Reviews from EVERY PLATFORM, then add A.I powered Sentiment & Topic Analytics to pinpoint gaps in your Customer Journey.


Still Handpicking insights manually through shopper data? ouch!

SentimentAI is a heavy hitter that allows you to drive deep into ratings and review data and topics in an unprecendented way.

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Get key sentiment insights across all review platforms
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Parse huge amounts of data that saves your teams energy
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Topic, Trends, Polarity scores and all the workflows to power your understanding of shopper data
Sentiment analytics PLATFORM

Sentiment Analytics takes your review data gold-mine and shopper ugc and makes it accessible at scale.

Keyword Cloud

A single view of trending negative and positive keywords that's easy to digest and understand.

Keyword Sentiment Distribution

Find out about hot keywords on your review data and find out if it's signal vs noise - postive or negative.
sentiment analytics image showing text analysis

Topic Analysis

Pre Set Topics that automatically organize the customers feedback to show the sentiment your shoppers feel at each stage of the Buyers Journey.  Don't let a high star rating blind you to hidden suggestion to improve order journey.

Custom Topics

Create custom topics for your business and let our Topic Analyzer find reviews that match those topics and bring it to the fore front.

Trend alerts straight to your inbox

Get trending alerts directly to your inbox before issues escalate - so you know when something is going wrong or right.

We're easy to work with. Let's get collecting in 5 mins

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