Insights dave - a persona for insights

We're here to help you make sense of all of this.

Imagine having a crystal ball that reveals exactly what your customers crave and what grinds their gears. Shopper and product review data is just that – a treasure trove of real-time feedback straight from the horse’s mouth. This isn’t just data; it’s the raw, unfiltered truth about your strengths and where you need to step up your game.
Customer service icon

Agent Performance

What customer services agents are having the most impact on your reviews and revenue?
Customer service icon

Topical Analytics

Find core themes and topics between all your brand and product content
Customer service icon

Reputation Management

90% of shoppers will return if you engage with negative feedback.  Set up templates to speed through the responses.

Cart Abandonment

Find out why customers abandon their journey

Agent Performance

See which agents are engaging with reviewers and retaining revenue

Core Topics

Parse through thousands of reviews in a flash with core topic sentiment

Journey Performance

Find out the breakdown in your customer journey and the why behind it

Shopper Profiles

Shopper Profiles Maps your shopper story and revenue impact directly to your customer satisfaction
Trust powers


With trusted reviews, you’re not shooting in the dark. You can spot trends, understand preferences, and pinpoint pain points with razor-sharp accuracy. This means you can fine-tune your products and services to hit the sweet spot every time. The result? Happier customers, better products, and, let’s not beat around the bush – a significant boost in your revenue.

Pull together review sources

And bring all your reviews in-house to tell a full VOC story. Connect up review platforms and start using AI to auto-tag and cluster data content into manageable stories.

Customer Journey

Deep dive customer insights lets you actually dive right into where your customer journey is breaking up and how to fix it.

Product Insight

With these trusted reviews, you’re armed with the knowledge to refine your products and services, hitting the mark every time. The endgame? Happier customers, killer products, and, let’s be real – a serious bump in your revenue.
Learn more about your use case
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Competitor Benchmark
Real-time feedback revealing not just where you shine, but where your competitors fall short. These insights let you pinpoint exactly how you measure up, highlighting your strengths and exposing their weaknesses.
On-Site Miro feedback
Over a 30% up tick in collection with hyper fast, quick on-site feedback loops.
Customer abandonment flow
Publicly reply back to shoppers on your publicaly ranked and visible ResellerRatings storefront
an NPS survey
Logic Workflows
Switch up surveys on the fly with logic workflows that react to a customers answers and daisy chain the perfect feedback flow.
feedback flows and sharing modules
Sentiment & Topic
. It’s like having a real-time mood ring for your business, giving you the edge to adapt and thrive. Sentiment and topical analytics aren’t just data –they let you tap into the pulse of your audience, highlighting trends, uncovering pain points,
Agent Performance
Agent Performance reports tells you how revenue directly is affected by your CS teams efforts to engage, and work with shoppers.
feature 4

I appreciate the overall view and the in-depth review analysis tools that the RR platforms provide. These tools help my teams better understand customer behavior and sentiment and provide actionable results.


Every team, side by side connected to shopper led growth.

How can you build a trusted relationship with your shoppers?
How do you turn one-time shoppers into repeat advocates?
How can we improve our website's user experience to increase customer satisfaction and drive more sales?
Be seen in a croweded Sea

Business Owner

Marketing leaders trust ResellerRatings to strengthen their brand with the shopper’s voice through real reviews and UGC.
Why have we completely fallen off of SERPS?
How can you optimize increase conversion rates and decrease abandonment?
How can we improve our site's product pages to better showcase our offerings and drive more sales?
Power Lead generation & Conversion

Head of E-commerce

Marketing leaders trust ResellerRatings to strengthen their brand with the shopper’s voice through real reviews and UGC.
How to I engage with customers and improve my score?
How can I see what customers issues are trending before they become a core priority issue?
How are my brands or websites stacking up against each other or locally?
Turn Detractors into PROMOTERS

Customer Experience

Marketing leaders trust ResellerRatings to strengthen their brand with the shopper’s voice through real reviews and UGC.
I want to generate social proof to show my brand is legit!
How can I maximize our pipeline with limited resources?
What is the key to driving customer retention and loyalty?


Marketing leaders trust ShopperStream to strengthen their brand with the shopper’s voice through real reviews and UGC.

Start collecting trust & reviews now

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