ResellerRatings reviews powers every single touchpoint on your e-commerce store.

Leveraging user-generated content (UGC) not only enhances credibility but also drives conversion, boosts customer retention, and increases time spent on your site. Discover how integrating customer feedback into your website can transform browsers into buyers and one-time shoppers into loyal customers.

reviews powering customer decision

Shopper content powers every facet of your on-site experience

of consumers don’t trust reviews more than 3 months old
Up to 270% increase
in products with over 5 reviews
106% conversion rate
Relevant & Trustworthy product images and video

Use Trust data to craft the ultimate product-to-purchase journey

We take all the amazing trust data you collect and now put it to work on your actual store pages. We call this journey crafting, and trust is what all your shoppers are looking for. From beautiful product review widgets, to search page results and more, we make your data work for your shoppers journey.


Deploying our trust related products like Q&A, Product Reviews, Widgets, and more powers every step of the customer journey with confidence, driving such factors as...

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Increasing Time on Site with trusted video, review and imagery content
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Creating winback funnels with Q&A
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Reduces Returns with proper product Q&A and knowelledge
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Reduces shopper concerns at every step of our browse and purchase funnels with real customer experience data on-site

Easily Deploy Trust Markers across our path to purchase

Easily collect, design and deploy trust markers across your path to purchase that motivates and engages customers on every page, prevents customers from abandoning pages and does it all with specialized trust markers designed for the moment.
Journey conversion on how Shopperstream widgets power clicks

Targeted shopper intent data powers your customer journey.

ResellerRatings data capture technology allows you to capture custoer trust for specific parts of the on-site funnel.

Widgets that are designed for the moment driven through AI

Why slapdash random ratings and reviews across your site when our JOURNEY POWERED widgets take specific data points and segements them out to tell the story your shoppers want the answer to!
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Example - Want to isolate your reviews about a specific delivery to showcase how awesome your delivery is - you can do that
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Customizable visually
See all Widgets
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Trust Driven Recurring shopper revenue and Winback

Shopper attention is hard to keep. If your product page doesn't answer their questions - your shoppers will leave to find the answers and be targeted by competition. Ensure your product page delivers modern expectations.
Social Q&A

Drive winback and lower returns

A Q&A program actually designed to bring in content on a massive scale. Succeeds where others fail by actually timely getting shoppers answers and winning them back before they leave

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Ask Customer Questions
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Import Manufacturer Q&A
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Cross Sync questions and answers
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Increase time on site
questions and answers image model
Discover all Conversion Solutions
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Dazzle shoppers with UGC

Shoppers are 144% more likely to buy with visual UGC integration

Design and integrate specialized click through experiences on every customer journey point
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Widgets powered by Shopper Content
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Content Moderation and A.I Tool workflows to sift through imagery and content
See all Widgets
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autogenerated visual look book gallery sample

Start collecting trust & reviews now

Automate review campaign management.
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