marketing head of digital

Craft the perfect acquisition channel with trust

Shoppers rely heavily on the experiences of others to inform their buying choices. Make product information easy to discover, relatable and trustworthy with detailed product pages and in turn - reduce abandonment, returns and increase conversions
shopperstream product images
product reviews product icon

Increase Conversion Rates

Research indicates that products with reviews are 270% more likely to be purchased than those without
decorative image design

Power your journey

People trust other shoppers and lining you site with trusted content
questions and answers image

Stop Abandonment

Optimize shopping and google campaign performance with Ratings and Reviews

Fast Reviews

Up to 270% increase in products with over 5 reviews

Video Reviews

Integrate real videos right on your product pages for 144% increased likelihood to buy

Reduce returns

195% conversion lift with a successful Q&A program

Inform Shoppers

Customers who have key rating snippets like size, fit and deep downs shop with more confidence and can significant cut back on your return attrition

Power Look Books

Power Discovery with gorgeous widgets and galleries
Trust powers the...

Golden path to conversion, which you can create in a few clicks

 Paving a perfect path to purchase ensures you optimize all the work put into abandonment reduction, winback and more. Unlike other review platforms, our methodology involves the Flywheel, which actually guides our product piece by piece as you spin the Trust flywheel faster and gain more revenue.
Journey conversion on how Shopperstream widgets power clicks

Power Click Throughs

92% of consumers read online reviews before buying .

Increase Cart Acquisition

Satisfied customers who leave positive reviews are more likely to become repeat buyers and brand advocates, driving long-term revenue growth.

Prevent Abandonment

Reviews provide additional information that can help alleviate any concerns or doubts a customer might have, leading to fewer abandoned carts and higher conversion rates.
Learn more about your use case
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Powered by Shopper Stories

Got Video and Imagery?  Well shoppers more than 144% more likely to buy
Shopperstream video rendering widgets
Instills confidence in the shopper buy and helps create a visual community around the product and brand
Shows winback cycle of questions and answers
Shoppers always have questions. Prevents Abandonment and even brings shoppers who are curious or have questions back into your fold as opposed to going elsewhere...
Shopperstream (by ResellerRating) video module
Video reviews will rock your buyers world giving them in-depth insights into your customer experiences

The most significant impact we’ve seen since using reseller ratings has actually been on site conversion rates, and we feel the reason that happened is the reseller ratings tool and platform has allowed us to gather so many inbound reviews ...

Scott Levitt, Simple Canvas
★★★★★ 7k + reviews
Simple canvas website

Every team, side by side connected to shopper led growth.

How can you build a trusted relationship with your shoppers?
How do you turn one-time shoppers into repeat advocates?
How can we improve our website's user experience to increase customer satisfaction and drive more sales?
Be seen in a croweded Sea

Business Owner

Marketing leaders trust ResellerRatings to strengthen their brand with the shopper’s voice through real reviews and UGC.
Why have we completely fallen off of SERPS?
How can you optimize increase conversion rates and decrease abandonment?
How can we improve our site's product pages to better showcase our offerings and drive more sales?
Power Lead generation & Conversion

Head of E-commerce

Marketing leaders trust ResellerRatings to strengthen their brand with the shopper’s voice through real reviews and UGC.
How to I engage with customers and improve my score?
How can I see what customers issues are trending before they become a core priority issue?
How are my brands or websites stacking up against each other or locally?
Turn Detractors into PROMOTERS

Customer Experience

Marketing leaders trust ResellerRatings to strengthen their brand with the shopper’s voice through real reviews and UGC.
I want to generate social proof to show my brand is legit!
How can I maximize our pipeline with limited resources?
What is the key to driving customer retention and loyalty?


Marketing leaders trust ShopperStream to strengthen their brand with the shopper’s voice through real reviews and UGC.

Start collecting trust & reviews now

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