
Simple Plans that grow with your business

Join over 4k + stores that use ResellerRatings as their ratings and review solution
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Power Discovery + Loyalty
Contact Us
150 / orders / month
product reviews icon
Google Seller Ratings
1-3 users
Seller Ratings Full
Full Customization
Display Widgets
Resolution Center
Pro (most popular)
Power Discovery + Loyalty + Conversion
Contact Us
1500 orders / month
Everything in Growth
10 Users
product reviews product icon
Product Reviews
visual review images icon
Visual Marketing
Full Suite
Everything + Insights + loyalty
Contact Us
3500 orders /month
20+ users
Everything in Pro
questions and answers image
feedback icon
Feedback & NPS
Shopify / Starter
For start ups and starter shopify stores
Get started
50 orders / month
1 User
product reviews icon
Google Seller Ratings
Seller Ratings Stater
Power Discovery + Loyalty
Get started
150 / orders / month
1-3 users
Seller Ratings Full
Full Customization
Display Widgets
Resolution Center
Power Discovery + Loyalty + Conversion
Get started
1500 orders / month
Everything in Growth
10 Users
product reviews product icon
Product Reviews
visual review images icon
Visual Marketing
Full Suite
Discovery + Conversion + Insights + loyalty
Get started
3500 orders /month
20+ users
Everything in Pro
questions and answers image
feedback icon
Feedback & NPS

Full Suite Pro

Full Suite Pro adds all the add-ons, making the platform a fully integrated AI experience, alongside collecting all the UC content, including video reviews!
add on images showcasing all adds on such as review amplification and review tracking
Let's Talk about your Needs
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Full Suite Plus +
Discovery + Conversion + Insights + loyalty
Contact Us
unlimited orders
20+ users
Everything in Full Suite Pro
Amplify Icon
Review Amplification
review tracking icon
Review Tracking
video icon panel
Video Reviews
trustbot AI icon
AI Trustbot
feedback icon
Sentiment Analytics


Got multiple stores or brands?  Unlock an entirely new dashboard to get insights into the 100k ft view
Let's Talk about your Needs
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Not sure which plan is right for your business?

Get in touch with us and we'll help figure out what business plan is right for you.

Compare & Contrast Features

Contact Us
Contact Us
Contact Us
Order Volume
(Additional Order)
Enhanced Review Managment
Review Flagging
Yes (< 48hrs)
Custom Requests
Custom Pricing
Custom Pricing
Custom Pricing
Custom Pricing
API Access
Core Product
Core Product
Full Suite
Full Suite+
product reviews icon
Seller Ratings
Seller Ratings Icon
Product Reviews
Visual marketing icon
Visual Marketing
social QA icon
Social Q&A
feedback icon
Feedback & Surveys
Add Ons
review tracking icon
Review Tracking
amplify icon
video reviews icon
Video Reviews
200 Credits
AI icon
AI TrustBot
150 Credits
sentiment analytics icon
Sentiment Analytics
Local Reviews
enterprise and local icon
Local Reviews
Call Us (Enterprise)
Security & Policy
GDPR/ CCPA Compliance
PII Protection Options
Support Options
Support Channel
Email / Chat
Email / Chat
Email / Chat
Phone / Rep
Phone / Rep
Planned Response Time
7  Days
5 Days
2 Days
24 hours
24 hours
Additional Costs
Full Suite
Full Suite Pro
Store Page
Policy Badges
Ad Removal
Review Monitoring & Publishing
Google Seller Ratings
Google Shopping
Review Flagging
Badges / Awards
Case / Review Routing to Agent teams
Custom Alerts / Notifications
Resolution Center
Up to 30 days
Up to 30 days
Up to 30 days
Up to 30 days
Response Templates
Ask to Revise
Ask for UGC
AI Powered responses (AI Add on)
product reviews icon
Review Sourcing Seller/Brand Ratings
(Power Conversion)
Automated Requests
Bulk Collection
Checkout Survey / Email After Purchase (EAP)
EAP Only
Brand Metrics
Review Verification
Custom Questions
Review Timing (BCC)
Survey Customization
Review Sourcing Product Reviews
(Power Conversion)
Seller Ratings Icon
Google Shopping Integration
Automated Request
Bulk Collection Product Reviews
Product Page Review Collection
2-1 Brand / Product Review Flow
Custom Questions
Request Scheduling
Review Triggers (BCC)
Survey Branding
Visual UGC
(Power Conversion)
Visual marketing icon
Collect Review Images
Phone Imagery Capture
Visual Galleries
AI Content Moderation & Protection
Digital Asset management
Video Reviews
Social Q&A
(Power Conversion)
social QA icon
Product Page Display
Shopper Ask a Question / Answer
Retailer Answers
Social Ask
Content Acceleration and SKU Sync
Reply back with Images & Video
Coverage & Insight Report
Shopper Incentivization & Rewards
Bookmarks, Votes and Sticky Questions
Alerts & Notifications
Feedback (Power Insights)
feedback icon
Custom Questions 
Worflow and Branching Logic
Launch Controls
Aggregate Reporting
Realtime-Micro Feedback
Long Form Survey
Essential E-Commerce Templates
Insights(Power Insights)
Review Survey Performance / Engagement / Conversion Tracking
Brand Metrics
Tag Reporting Data
Agent Performance
Executive Custom Reports
Ask to Revise Reports
Brand Metrics
Review Coverage Reports (Product & Q&A)
review tracking icon
Competitor Tracking (Add on)
review tracking icon
Third Party Review Tracking & Reputation
(Add on)
Multi-Store Reporting (Enterprise)
Geographic Reports (Enterprise)
Add On
review tracking icon
Review Tracking
Review Tracking
Competitive Intelligence
AI Summation
Review Filtering & Search
One Hub View of all Reviews
amplify icon
Review invites 3rd party review sites
Review Distribution
Custom Survey Templates
Checkout Survey Amplification
Post Purchase Amplification Invite
Incentivization for Shoppers
Channel Performance Intelligence
Visual Reviews Amplification to Social
sentiment analytics icon
Sentiment Analytics
Topical Sentiment
Keyword Sentiment
Custom Topic Tracker
Trend Alerts & Notifications
Polarity Scores
3rd Party review sites
AI icon
AI TrustBot
Review Response Generator
Brand Review Analyzer
3rd Party review Analyzer
AutoTag Reviews
Product Review Analyzer
video reviews icon
Video Reviews
Shopper Mobile Capture
UGC Gallery and Integrated Product Page
Video Optimization
Video Hosting
Video Incentivization & Content Accelerator
Integrated YouTube Links (coming)
Digital Asset Management
Over 4.5k reviews with over 300 shopper images
with ShopperStream
five star rating image
zenni-optical brand image and logo
Ratings 4.6, over 197k Reviews
with ShopperStream
five star rating image
newegg logo and brand image
Ratings 4.7, over 49 k Reviews
with ShopperStream
five star rating image
justfab logo and brand image
Ratings 4.3, over 201k Reviews
with ShopperStream
five star rating image
swimoutlet logo and brand
89 k Reviews
with ShopperStream
five star rating image

Got questions?
We have got answers

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is included in the free trial?
The free trial includes access to all premium features of our software for 14 days. You can explore the full functionality without any restrictions. Credit card is required to start the trial - just contact us to discuss.
2. How does the pricing structure work?
Answer: Our pricing is tiered based on the number of users and the features you need. We offer Starter, Pro, and Full Suite and Full Suite Pro plans. Some bolt ons require credit usage such as video and AI credits.  Each plan comes with a different set of features tailored to suit varying business needs. Enterprise plans are structured based on store counts and needs. We're happy to work with you on pricing.
3. Do you offer discounts for annual subscriptions?
Answer: Our pricing is tiered based on the number of users and the features you need. We offer Starter, Pro, and Full Suite and Full Suite Pro plans. Some bolt ons require credit usage such as video and AI credits.  Each plan comes with a different set of features tailored to suit varying business needs. Enterprise plans are structured based on store counts and needs.
3. How does the pricing structure work?
Yes, we can offer a 20% discount for customers who choose to pay annually instead of monthly. This option can be selected during the checkout process.
4. What happens at the end of my free trial?
Answer: At the end of your free trial, you will be prompted to choose a subscription plan. If you decide not to subscribe, your account will be downgraded to our free plan with limited features. If you need an extension, let us know - we're happy when you are happy!
5. Do you offer custom plans?
Answer: Yes, for businesses with unique needs, we offer custom plans. Please contact our sales team to discuss your requirements, and we’ll create a tailored solution for you.
6. Cancellations?
If you're not on contract terms you can cancel anytime. Contact us to initiate a cancellation.  Refunds are not pro-rated.

Switching Over

2. How do I migrate my existing reviews to the new vendor?
Answer: Most review vendors provide a migration service to help you transfer your existing reviews. This process typically involves exporting your reviews from your current vendor and importing them into the new platform. Our support team can assist you with this transition to ensure a smooth and seamless transfer. Brand reviews are typically not exporte, however all your product reviews and UGC should be.  Our migation team takes care of all of this.
How long does Migration take?
Migration can be a fairly quick proess if you are able to get your data from your current provider. We typically take about 3 business days to integrate data over.
8. How will switching vendors affect my SEO and online presence?
Answer: Switching vendors should not negatively impact your SEO and online presence. In fact, our platform is designed to enhance your visibility and improve your online reputation. We implement best practices to ensure that your reviews remain visible and impactful during and after the transition.

Terms & Conditions

Read our Terms and conditions here

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