Maximize the reach of every review

Let's take a quick tour of how collecting shopper reviews on our service can accelerate shopper discovery, enhance organic search results and drive a pipeline of trusted, verified shopper content to your most important marketing channels.

Google search results picture showing star ratings in google shopping
verified customer reveiws
Official Google Seller Ratings partner
We've served millions of reviews successfully to Google's review partner program
How reviews affect google stars and rich snippets
high ranking Google Impressions for our Customers

Your reviews are an essential part of your click-through rates

Reviews as a trust marker power almost every facet of google search, from seller ratings, organic seo and google shopping ads.
Google Search results showing snippets in brand and product search results for stores

Here's how we use shopper reviews and UGC to drive shoppers to your store

Here's how we take your store / brand and direct shoppers to it.
1. Google Partnership & Platform
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Ads - Google Seller Ratings Optimization
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Product Reviews into Google Shopping
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Get More GoogleMyBusiness Reviews
2. Organic Search Results: SEO Boost
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Power organic rank in search results with shopper content and reviews
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Rank and Replace competition in organic search
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Star search results for Product SKUs in organic search
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Increase Product Page rank with Q&A
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Power review presense on dozens of other review platforms
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Push and publish visual reviews to multiple social platforms
A pie chart showing all aspects of how shopper discovery is powered in the shopperstream trust flywheel

Drive up to 16% click through rates for your Google Ads

Attract more shoppers via syndicating reviews into Google Shopping, powering your SEO search results with all your product listings, Google My Business Listings and more.
Showcases google search results for ratings and reviews
google search logo
Google Seller Ratings & Product Review Ad optimization

‍Adorn your search ads with Star Rating extensions in googleSeller Ratings in Google matter, because shoppers who are committed to buying a product, want to buy it from the best place.

Google Shopping Network

Easily collect, design and deploy trust markers across your path to purchase that motivates and engages customers on every page, prevents customers from abandoning pages and does it all with specialized trust markers designed for the moment.
Power On-Site Conversion -Turn every product into a promotional channel with skus.
Google shopping search results with ratings and review snippets
Power your seller ratings so customers know what the experience is like buying from your brand on Google Shopping
Google search results showing google shopping powered snippets

Power Organic Search results

82% of online Ads are ingnored by American Consumers. This is where Trust and your SEO Strategy hits the road together as you continuously and autonomously collect more and more content.
Power On-Site Conversion -Turn every product into a promotional channel with skus.
Search results show casing sunglasses and star ratings for natural search results for your e-commerce store domain
search results and ranking with long tail keywords for ratings and reviews
Reviews are a key component to your SEO domain authority and rank signal
search results and ranking with long tail keywords for ratings and reviews
Reviews power long tail searches
Insights and Solutions
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Amplify Reviews

Invite Customers to leave review on a whole host of other websites, shopping channels and speciality industry websites
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Third party review Sites
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Industry Sites
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And More...
Dive into Amplify
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review amplification on multiple channels across the web
Google mybusiness search results and implementation for local reviews

10x your reviews in Google MyBusiness

Our unique review invite systems allow you to power your googleMyBusiness reviews with custom launch controls, targeting and more

Power discovery with in-store SEO

Power In-Store Locater Reviews for Organic Search ResultsConnect directly to your review feed to display them in key areas of your site, like your store locator. Use our API's or our Google crawlable Javascript Widget.

A brief bulleted list of google reviews around the web and more

Start collecting trust & reviews now

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