Let's make this easy
Insights dave - a persona for insights

Switchover's cost you. That's why we make it easy.

Switching to our ratings and review platform brings you advanced features, a user-friendly interface, and superior performance AND cost savings. Enjoy cost efficiency, better customer support, and seamless integration with other tools.
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Unlock more content

We can collect up to 5x the reviews with our optimizations
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Unlock better stories

Our content acquisition method bears better words per average, extra UGC and more for the touchpoint
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We treat your customer touchpoints with value. Meaning you're going to get the whole data story, not just a cSat and one word review.

Cart Abandonment

Find out why customers abandon their journey

Agent Performance

See which agents are engaging with reviewers and retaining revenue

Core Topics

Parse through thousands of reviews in a flash with core topic sentiment

Journey Performance

Find out the breakdown in your customer journey and the why behind it

Shopper Profiles

Shopper Profiles Maps your shopper story and revenue impact directly to your customer satisfaction

We've been doing ratings and reviews for over 19 years.

Over 40% of our clients have been using ResellerRatings for 10 years

We don’t just make collecting reviews easy, we make trust a foundational part of your shopper-led growth.

learn more about us

Brad Poole, our CRO in the office
We're here to help you build your revenue flywheels

Talk to us if you feel the following pain...

• Do you feel stuck with the reviews you’ve collected on Trustpilot?
• Are other review sites dominating Google search results with negative star ratings?
• Are you concerned about a price increase with Trustpilot at your renewal?
• Are you seeking a partner, not just a “set it and forget it” vendor?
• Are you looking to collect other types of user-generated content like product reviews, customer images and videos, and product Q&A?

One partner

Looking for ONE partner that helps your team manage every type of User Generated Content in a single HUB to consolidate your reviews package

Google Optimizations

We're one of Google Trusted ratings and review partners for over ten years.

All the UGC

We collect all UGC, from product reviews, brand reviews, brand metrics, custom questions, shopper profiles, images, video, influencer content and bring it all together in one package


You want one review partner to help boost your brand reputation on multiple 3rd party review sites, without having separate contracts with each

An Entrusted voice to Shoppers

Entrusted in the consumer mind - ResellerRatings is visited by hundreds of thousands of shoppers each month and serves hundreds of millions of 1st page search results in Google for retailers and brands
How do I migrate Content?

Migrating and switching services sounds scary and like work you probably don't want to do. Don't worry - we make it easy with our white glove free service.

Compare to Trustpilot
Real-time feedback revealing not just where you shine, but where your competitors fall short. These insights let you pinpoint exactly how you measure up, highlighting your strengths and exposing their weaknesses.
Compare to Yotpo
Over a 30% up tick in collection with hyper fast, quick on-site feedback loops.
Compare to SiteJabber
Publicly reply back to shoppers on your publicaly ranked and visible ResellerRatings storefront
Us vs Okendo
Switch up surveys on the fly with logic workflows that react to a customers answers and daisy chain the perfect feedback flow.
Us vs Judge.me
. It’s like having a real-time mood ring for your business, giving you the edge to adapt and thrive. Sentiment and topical analytics aren’t just data –they let you tap into the pulse of your audience, highlighting trends, uncovering pain points,
feature 4

"I appreciate the overall view and the in-depth review analysis tools that the RR platforms provide. These tools help my teams better understand customer behavior and sentiment and provide actionable results."

Start collecting trust & reviews now

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